This weekend there was a lot for Marley to do. Two groups of sheep had to be driven through the foot bath and moved to new areas. On Friday, the 20 or so Merinos were due, they stood in a meadow close to the barn and were driven directly through the bath. In order to get to the new area, the bulls had to go into the stable first, they were standing on a meadow in between which we had to cross. Marley managed that quickly too. After that, the troop was allowed to go to their new area. Before sunset, we quickly moved the bucks around so that they were close to the stable and thus to the sorting area with the foot bath. They were allowed to stay there until Sunday. On Sunday we trained the boys briefly in shedding, then Marley had a break, because other dogs took over bringing them home and driving them through the sorting facility today. Zora was allowed to load the sheep onto the trailer, but somehow one of the lambs got separated and ran off to the area with the bulls in the direction of the Merinos. After the group of rams had left, we took a chance on the runaway. With the previously sorted lambs and Marley, I then went to recapture the runaway, which by now was standing in the middle of the group of bulls. We got within 100 m of the group, then I gave Marley a “look back”, which he didn’t believe at first, but after a few attempts he went off in the direction of the bulls and sorted the one sheep out and brought it to the others. The group was then professionally brought into the stable and that was it for the time being. That was the end of the day for us.